Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tips - Live Your Dreams

During my 'introspection moment' on Sunday, I was pondering over the question 'How many of my dreams have I realised already?' This is a very important question that we must be asking ourselves every now and then. It is so fulfilling when you realise you are living, or have lived, your dreams.

When we are growing up, we have all these lovely fantasies that gradually become real as we mature into adulthood. We spend more time focusing on them than actually doing something to make them come to past. I have decided to be more goal oriented and ask myself all the time what end my actions are aimed at, and if that end ties in, in any little or remote way, with one of my dreams.

I was a child once, a teenager at another time, and now an adult. I had a few dreams, some of which I tried to realise, others I just gave up on (too bad!), and I am still working hard on getting others done. I have realised a few little tricks on realising dreams that have to do with places to visit:

* I fantasised about Switzerland, and told myself and whoever was ready to listen that I will not leave this world without stepping on Swiss soil...I did, 1st trip to Europe, took SWISS AIR with transit in Zurich!

* I was wondering why people want to go to Paris, so I took Air France on a trip with stopovers in Paris, and hurray! I missed a flight and spent a night in Paris!

* I have this fantasy about flying on Qatar air (please bear this ad, I can't resist...'your 5* airline*). I am planning to travel to the UK for a short break at the end of June and I am considering doing Q! Don't mind the long flight, it is worth it!

OK, let me not bore you with these, but I have as many examples of flying experiences that have taken me to places in my dream as you have phalanges (fingers and toes for my anti-biology readers) on your body, including flying business in one of the world’s best (won’t let out on this!)

Tip 1: Book an airline that will have at least a stopover before your final destination. They say 'killing two birds with the same stone'? try this.
Tip 2: If you are a regular flyer, use your miles wisely… they can enable you to fly business or spend the night in a dream hotel

Tip 3: Change airlines as frequently as possible. This means discovering new 'soils'.
Tip 4: Spend a lot of time going around. Buy day/week savers bus or train tickets) and just jump from bus to bus or tram to tram.
Tip 5: Even if your schedule is tight, do not sleep for long hours when you are on a trip! Spend time out.
Tip 6: Budget for travel. It is worth every cent of it!
Tip 7: Never mind where you are, enjoy it!