For a while now, I have been pulling blanks on ideas for my son’s 5th
birthday. Last year, we organized a birthday party at his martial arts club and
he loved it. However, that was too macho for me because I did all the
preparations but then everyone kept calling on his dad to make a speech and all
the thanks were showered on him. Understandably, martial arts clubs are full of
testosterone… and there was a lot of beer which I hate for a kid’s birthday
party. So Sept 23, 2015 came and passed with no party for my little champ. I felt
so bad for him because he had framed the picture of a perfect birthday that he
had shared with his cousin and us.
Sept 25, I had an epiphany… cupcakes with frosting and stuff written on
them. Ok, I know I am good with making cakes and cupcakes (yes I am!) but I have
never attempted icing or frosting. I have the accessories still sealed up like I
got them from the shop and I thought this was a great opportunity to redeem
myself from the guilt of letting my son’s birthday pass without a party. I’m
not a fan of frostings as they just add calories, but who cares – it’s a
birthday. If there is any day to sin against your diet, this is it! Again,
being on the moderate side, I decided I won’t use butter for the frosting, I’ll
do simple icing. I headed to the shops and bought the ingredients and balloons,
including a blue balloon!

Have you ever had a dream that came true or almost? His dream didn’t come
true on his birthday, but eventually it did. Relate that with your life,
sometimes things happen almost the way we wish but not at the time we wished
it, because God has better timing than us. Oh, I haven’t told you his dream yet
– I’ll try to quote as best as possible:
“On my birthday, I will be sleeping and Mommy and Daddy and Aunti Elvin
will come and wake me up and say ‘surprise’ and give me a blue balloon. I’ll
get up, take the balloon, run downstairs and let the balloon fly up into the
sky, and then it will burst in the sky. Then I will come back upstairs and
everyone will sing happy birthday and I will blow out the candles”
He didn’t take his blue balloon downstairs though – remember when make
promises of what you’ll do if something else happens and it does but you forget
your part of it? Oh well, life happens… God stays the same- Faithful as always.
Thanks for allowing me to take you through this journey of my son’s
birthday. He means the world to me, and I am happy sharing part of my joy with

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