Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Myomectomy – My Experience, Post-Op

The day after - July 6
Around 3am: I got up from sleep, lay in bed for a while and woke up hubby to go bring kid. It was 3:24....I thought it was morning already. Of course he went right back to snoring

4:18am Janitor came to clean room and bathroom
5:10am: Nurses came in to check
6:00 Nurses came in again and added more injections in the IV bag

Hubby goes home in the break of dawn.
I do this and that on my phone, read a book which is supposed to be about feminism but has  Ryan Gosling’s photo on every page.
Napped a little and was woken up by call from hubby who can’t find the protein shake I asked him to get from the gas station mart
Decided to journal and son and hubby finally arrived at 12:25. They are eating this n that, stuff they bought on their way here. Where did time go to? Oh I remember, the World cup quarter finals match France vs Uruguay took some time and a nurse came in and removed the catheter and gave me a warm bath. Hubby had to go buy a water heater to warm the water.
I feel fresh, drink 150ml yoghurt in two portions and ate an apple. This was my first meal post-op., about 30 hours after the surgery. It triggered hunger and 3 hours later I chowed on some spaghetti bolognaise, which was the only food available in the cafeteria.
Family decide to use that opportunity to check their blood group. Hubby is B, son is O. and then they left. I had switched carers from hubby to my cousin
I walked (actually made movements which seemed like walking) for about 10 minutes.
World Cup 2018 Brazil - Belgium match begins and ended with Belgium winning 2:1
9:30pm I went to sleep and slept really deep with a pee break around midnight.

2 days after - July 7
Woke up by janitor and nurse at 5am. Nurse greets and goes back and janitor does his great job.
Nurse returns an hour later to get my temperature, blood pressure and heart rate.

7:02pm Breakfast of about 300g unsweetened yoghurt and one apple
Medication time, walk around, Dr’s visit, watched a couple of sermons and then more walk and a bath
Medication and my prescription is renewed.

1:00pm Lunch if I may call 200ml yoghurt and an apple that.

1:12pm Finally free from the needle that had been on my arm

1st World Cup match of the day in which England beat Sweden, then more yoghurt and hubby finally arrives with chicken and chips, which I ate a little. Then it was time to watch the great match where Croatia beat the host team Russia after penalties. Went to bed after 10pm

3 days after - July 8
Woke up feeling much better. Waiting for a friend who had said she’ll stop by at 8am. Trying to figure out the rest of the day.
She came with her hubby around 10am and they stayed till almost 2pm. I took a bath, a stroll n lay on the bed watching CNN coverage of the Thai boys being rescued from the cave (the football players who had been stuck in a cave for days).
Two Friends visited.
Ate some pasta and pepper soup n slept for about 20mins. Then son n hubby pop in for about an hour.
Another set of walks - beat my day target of 500steps - did more than 900 steps
Set a new target of 1500 for the following day, watched a Nigerian drama on YouTube and went to bed around 10:30

4 days post-op - July 9

Woke up by 4:45 by janitor and later by nurses. Lay in bed till 7:10, got up and bathed
Had breakfast while journaling and watching CNN
Drs rounds, work, walk, phone games, doing nothing, medication, visits... the day passed by. Beat my steps target again, did more than 2550. Slept n dawn

5 days post-op - July 10
Woke up at 4:30 by janitor
Dr’s visit at 6:05. Discharge confirmed.
Now the stubborn me is considering driving and not calling hubby to come drive me - so typical.
Up down up down I go in the hospital finance office for bills and saw the resident physician for discharge note. 11:30am hubby not there so I get behind the wheel and drive off.
Met hubby half-way, a couple runs in town and entered the house at 3pm on the dot. Feels good to be home.

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