Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Myomectomy – My Experience, Questions for the Surgeon or Ob-Gyn

The moment the decision is made, continue with research and note all the questions you have for the Physician. I learned that no question was irrelevant, so go all in. Below is a list of the questions I prepared for my second to last Dr’s visit (and you want to give yourself the opportunity to follow-up with more questions, so do not wait with this until the last visit before the surgery). Also, ask open ended questions so that through the responses you can get clarity on other things that you hadn’t thought of before.

Questions about the Surgery

1.     How will the surgery be performed? Here you want to get all the details of the procedures and agree on options, e.g. for anesthesia type.
2.     What could cause me to need blood transfusion?
3.     What are some of the unexpected things that can happen during the surgery? What are the chances of those happening?
4.     What are the dispositions in place in case there are unforeseen during the operation?
5.     How long will the surgery take?
6.     What should I expect immediately after the surgery and the weeks after? How is the healing process going to look like physically and emotionally?
7.     What types of post-op complications could I experience?

Questions about the surgery space and people

1.     How many times have you conducted this operation? And how often?
2.     Share some of the remarkable experiences you have had, both positive and negative
3.     Who else will be in the room?
4.     What are the types of post-op rooms available at the facility? Cost? Care?
5.     What do I need to prepare in advance, or take along with me (food, test results, medical history file, etc.)?
6.     What does the facility offer (in the rooms, cleaning services, catering, etc.)
7.     What is the schedule for the post-ops visits?

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