Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Myomectomy – My Experience

It’s been a little over a year and nine months since I underwent the first surgery to remove fibroids. The procedure is called myomectomy and you can read more about it from the internet. However, I want to share my experience because as I was doing a pre-ops research, I did not find a lot of experiences that I could relate to. I found a lot of information about experiences of women in the US and other developed countries, and very little in developing countries. That worried me because the healthcare systems are so different from ours and it made me wonder if I should even proceed with the surgery.

For the sake of making this a good and easy read, I have spilt My Experience into the following articles

Myomectomy – My Experience, The Decision

Myomectomy – My Experience, Questions for the Surgeon or Ob-Gyn

Myomectomy – My Experience, The Build-Up

Myomectomy – My Experience, The Day of theSurgery

Myomectomy – My Experience, Post-Op

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